Recipe: Perfect Susu Cangjo Sehat Bumil

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Susu Cangjo Sehat Bumil.

Susu Cangjo Sehat Bumil You can cook Susu Cangjo Sehat Bumil using 3 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Susu Cangjo Sehat Bumil

  1. You need 1 sdm of sumil.
  2. You need 1 genggam of kacang ijo (cuci bersih).
  3. It's secukupnya of Air.

Susu Cangjo Sehat Bumil instructions

  1. Rebus dahulu kacang ijo sampai empuk (utk air rebusan jgn dibuang ya bun tapi digunakan untuk campuran susu. Karena air rebusan kacang ijo bagus utk janin 😊).
  2. Selamat mencoba dan sehat selalu bun 🤗.