Recipe: Tasty 4. Peachgum Dessert

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4. Peachgum Dessert. A traditional recipe for Peach Gum Dessert Soup, with longan and wolfberries. Get this recipe for a refreshing, textural Chinese dessert. Add the peach gum and pandan leaves in a pot, then bring to a boil.

4. Peachgum Dessert Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is found. As detailed in classical Chinese medical literature, its curative From soups, cooked dishes to desserts, this gemstone-lookalike is a delight to both our palate and skin. Peach gum, when left to accrue on the bark of the peach tree as it does naturally But the most famous dish to employ the dish is peach gum soup, a delicate, clear broth that can be prepared savory (with mushrooms) or as a sweet dessert (with poached papaya. You can cook 4. Peachgum Dessert using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of 4. Peachgum Dessert

  1. Prepare 100 gram of Peach gum.
  2. Prepare 20 gram of White fungus / Jamur Es.
  3. It's 50 gram of Kurma Merah / Ang Co.
  4. Prepare 40 gram of Goji berry.
  5. Prepare of Lotus Seed / Biji Teratai 20 gram.
  6. Prepare 60 gram of Gula Kundur.
  7. You need 190 gram of Gula Batu.
  8. It's 40 gram of Longan Kering.
  9. Prepare secukupnya of Daun pandan.
  10. Prepare Biji of selasih secukupnya.
  11. It's 1 liter of Air putih.

Concentrate peachgum dessert, refreshing and healthy. Peach gum dessert in the making. Peach gum dessert soup is a delicious way of enjoying peach gum, regarded as a beauty tonic in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Called tao jiao in Mandarin, it comes in the form of amber-hued crystals.

4. Peachgum Dessert step by step

  1. Rendam peachgum selama 12 jam, lalu cuci dan bersihkan.
  2. Rendam jamur es dan lotus seed selama 1 jam. Buang biji lotusnya krn pahit. Jamur es bisa dipotong" sesuai yg diinginkan.
  3. Didihkan air 1 liter, masukkan daun pandan, gula batu sampai mendidih. Untuk rasa manis bisa disesuaikan dengan selera ya. Klo dirasa terlalu manis, boleh ditambah air nya. Ato klo mo kuahnua banyak, airnya boleh pake 1.5liter..
  4. Setelah mendidih, masukkan biji selasih, kundur, peachgum, jamur es, lotus seed, goji berry, ang co, longan kering. Aduk sebentar,, lalu matikan api. Bisa disajikan hangat / dingin. Tp klo saya lebih suka dingin..

Peach gum dessert, peach gum sendiri adalah resin alami yang dikeluarkan dari pohon persik, yang berbentuk kristal berwarna kuning di pohon persik. Getah persik ini bertekstur lembut dan halus, dan akan berubah warna pucat atau sedikit bening apabila di masak. Bagi kalian yang ingin memesan Peachgum. Paket lengkap Peach Gum Dessert terdiri dari : - Peach Gum - Red Dates / Anggo - Goji Berry - Dried Longan - Jamur Salju - Lotus Peachgum Dessert Package and Snowbirdnest Dessert Package. Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is found.