Recipe: Appetizing Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert

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Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert. .. hai moms, udah pernah nyoba Snow birdnest dessert? mirip mirip sm peach gum dessert . udah pasti pada tau lha ya manfaat peach gum. Kali ini Mami Ester berkreasi dengan membuat dessert sehat yang sekarang lagi kekinian. Doi juga ngajarin gimana cara buatnya dan ternyata rasanya segar.

Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert Kaya akan kolagen, bagus untuk kulit, detokfikasi. Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is found. As detailed in classical Chinese medical literature, its curative qualities include solving urinal infections, thirst-quenching and relieving stress. You can cook Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert using 13 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert

  1. Prepare 2 sendok makan of Peach Gum.
  2. You need 1 sendok makan of Snow Bird Nest.
  3. It's 2 sendok makan of Goji Berry / Kichi.
  4. Prepare 1-2 sendok makan of Lotus Seed / Biji Teratai.
  5. It's 4-7 biji of Angco / Red Dates.
  6. Prepare 1/2 Keping of Jamur Salju.
  7. It's 2 sendok makan of Dried Longan.
  8. You need 1-2 sendok makan of Jali-jali.
  9. Prepare 1 sendok makan of biji selasih / cheaseed.
  10. It's Secukupnya of gula batu.
  11. It's 5-8 biji of buah kundur.
  12. It's 3-5 lembar of daun pandan.
  13. Prepare 1500-2000 ml of air.

Not only used frequently by doctors of Traditional Chinese. Snow swallows (Xueyan) is not a bird's nest. Peach Gum,Snow Nest,Snow Lotus Seed,Red Date,Tremella,Dried Longan etc for popular. XUE YAN is a popular dessert cuisine in Asian countries for its easy preparation and nutritional effect.

Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert step by step

  1. Rendam Peach Gum semalaman dengan air, taruh di dlm kulkas (ini hasil foto peach gum yg sudah di rendam semalaman dan jd mengembang seperti jelly).
  2. Rendam Snow Bird Nest semalaman dengan air, taruh di dlm kulkas (ini hasil foto Snow Bird Nest yg sudah di rendam semalaman, dan mengembang seperti Jelly).
  3. Rendam Jamur Salju dengan air 1-2 Jam, (setelah di rendam akan mekar/ seperti gambar di mangkuk biru) kita bersihkan dan gunting-gunting kecil agar mudah saat di konsumsi, bagian kuning yg keras kita buang).
  4. Rendam Lotus Seed/ Biji Teratai selama 1-2 Jam, belah 2, buang tengahnya yg seperti tunas agar tidak pahit saat di konsumsi, lalu di bilas.
  5. Didihkan air 1,500 - 2.000 liter lalu masukan daun pandan, Dried Longan, Red Dates / Angco dan Jamur Salju masak selama 15 menit.
  6. Lalu setelah 15 menit masukan Peach Gum, Snow Birs Nest, Lotus seed, Goji Berry, Jali-jali masak 15 menit lagi dengan api kecil.
  7. Lalu terakhir masukan Chia seed, buah kundur yg sudah di potong kecil kecil, dan gula batu masak sebentaar sekitar 3 menit, matikan api, boleh juga di tambahkan Lychee kalengan dan cincau hitam.
  8. Tambahkan air jika di rasa agak kental.
  9. Peach Gum and Snow Bird Nest Dessert siap di sajikan, lebih enak di sajikan dingin. (Lebih berkhasiat apabila di konsumsi di pagi hari saat perut kosong dan malam hari sebelum tidur).

Tragacanth is a plant - a sap-like material (resin) of the plant is used to temporarily relieve diarrhea and constipation. peach gum, snow lotus seed, snow bird nest regarded as a beauty tonic in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). They are tasteless with a gelatin texture and it is rich in collagen, galactose, rhamnose and amino acids. Collagen in particular may ring a bell, as it is frequently mentioned in skincare and. The peach gum is tasteless with a gelatin texture similar to the coveted Bird's Nest but is very refreshing when served chilled. Peach gum dessert, peach gum sendiri adalah resin alami yang dikeluarkan dari pohon persik, yang berbentuk kristal berwarna kuning di pohon persik.