How to Make Appetizing Peach gum+barley dessert

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Peach gum+barley dessert. Imagine, if you will, gummy bears that grow naturally on the bark of trees, as delicious as they are effective at plumping and clearing your skin. It sounds too fantastical to be real, but one health food with almost mythological beautifying properties from China is finally beginning to appear in foods and. A traditional recipe for Peach Gum Dessert Soup, with longan and wolfberries.

Peach gum+barley dessert A traditional recipe for Peach Gum Dessert Soup, with longan and wolfberries. Get this recipe for a refreshing, textural Chinese dessert. Recipe by Asian Inspirations. #malaysianrecipe #malaysianrecipes #singaporeanrecipe The Far Eastern people, who also reflect the difference in. You can cook Peach gum+barley dessert using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Peach gum+barley dessert

  1. Prepare 3 sendok of golden peach gum.
  2. It's 5 sendok of pearl barley / jali-jali.
  3. Prepare of Gula batu.
  4. It's 6 lembar of Daun pandan.
  5. It's secukupnya of Air.

Peach gum is the resin from peach and Chinese wild peach trees, already solidified when it is found. As detailed in classical Chinese medical literature, its curative qualities include solving urinal infections, thirst-quenching and relieving stress. Not only used frequently by doctors of Traditional Chinese. #homecooking #simpleandeasy #dessert. How to make Peach Gums Dessert Recipe.

Peach gum+barley dessert step by step

  1. Rendam peach gum semalaman atau kurang lebih 12 jam agar mekar maksimal.
  2. Rebus barley, gula batu dan pandan dengan api sedang selama 40menit.
  3. Tambahkan peach gum yg sudah dicuci bersih. Masak lagi 10menit. Lebih enak dimakan dingin2.

Peach gum dessert, peach gum sendiri adalah resin alami yang dikeluarkan dari pohon persik, yang berbentuk kristal berwarna kuning di pohon persik. Getah persik ini bertekstur lembut dan halus, dan akan berubah warna pucat atau sedikit bening apabila di masak. Indo Herbal - Layanan Konsultasi Kesehatan Herbal Indonesia. Menurut Nana, Peach Gum Collagen Dessert ini ada sembilan bahan campurannya yaitu peach gum, jamur salju, kurma merah, biji teratai, goji berry, chiaseeds, gula kundur, gula batu dan dry longan. Dimana masing-masing pada komposisi dessert ini mempunyai banyak manfaat seperti jamur salju.