Recipe: Yummy Cendol Pudding

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Cendol Pudding. New flavour pudding cendol : Mocca. Varian pudding cendol best sellernya anak muda. Puding coklat.🍮🍫 Rasa lezatnya bikin memikat.

Cendol Pudding A blog that journal a Singapore home baker and cook on tried and tested recipes and. I made cendol pudding yesterday. just wanted to use up the big packet of cendol left in the fridge for almost a month. Besides, the weather has been almost unbearably humid. You can have Cendol Pudding using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Cendol Pudding

  1. It's of Layer putih.
  2. You need 800 ml of Santan (1biji kelapa saya untuk 2bks).
  3. It's 1 bks of Bubuk agar-agar swallow.
  4. You need of Gula pasir sesuai selera (saya pakai rasa-rasa hingga pas).
  5. Prepare of Daun pandan biar harum.
  6. You need of Layer gula merah.
  7. You need 800 ml of santan.
  8. It's 1 bks of Bubuk agar-agar swallow.
  9. Prepare of Gula merah sesuai selera (saya tidak pakai gula pasir lagi).
  10. Prepare of Daun pandan.

Cendol is a very popular drink/dessert in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. Some people even used it in baking like to make cendol agar agar cake, or cendol pudding. Pour cendol mixture gradually over the set layer. Leave aside to set, then chill the pudding before cutting into slices to serve.

Cendol Pudding instructions

  1. Untuk pembuatan layer putih.
  2. Masukan santan, bubuk swallow, gula dan daun pandan ke dalam panci. Masak di api sedang..
  3. Aduk-aduk terus hingga mendidih, coba rasa, jika kurang manis bisa di tambahkan lagi gulanya.
  4. Jika sudah selesai, angkat, di aduk-aduk terus hingga 1/2 panas, agar santan tidak pecah.
  5. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk layer gula merahnya.
  6. Kalau saya setelah yg pertama selesai langsung cuss masak layer kedua, sambil aduk yg layer pertama.

Anda bisa mencoba resep simpel ini untuk. The original cendol from Indonesia was first served without ice as ice was difficult to get during the earlier years. Eventually, cendol became so popular in Southeast Asia especially in Malaysia's. Cendol /ˈtʃɛndɒl/ is an iced sweet dessert that contains droplets of green rice flour jelly, coconut milk and palm sugar syrup. It is commonly found in Southeast Asia and is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia.