Recipe: Delicious Wedang Teh,jahe,sereh

Resep Enak, mudah, sedap danResep Aneka Minuman.
Ide Rumah

Wedang Teh,jahe,sereh.

Wedang Teh,jahe,sereh You can have Wedang Teh,jahe,sereh using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Wedang Teh,jahe,sereh

  1. You need Sejempol of jahe,kupas&geprak.
  2. You need 1 btg of sereh,geprak.
  3. You need 1 bh of teh celup hitam.
  4. Prepare 1 sdt of gula,blh skip.
  5. Prepare 1 gls of air.

Wedang Teh,jahe,sereh instructions

  1. Masukkan semua bahan dipanci..
  2. Masak diatas kompor hingga mendidih.
  3. Tuang wedang kdlm gelas tahan panas sedikit demi sedikit spy gelas tdk pecah & gunakan saringan jg, spy wedang bersih.. Suweger tenan loh.