How to Prepare Delicious Milk Shake_Apel

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Milk Shake_Apel.

Milk Shake_Apel You can have Milk Shake_Apel using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Milk Shake_Apel

  1. Prepare 1 Buah of Apel.
  2. Prepare 1 Buah of Pisang.
  3. Prepare 2 sdm of gula pasir.
  4. It's 1 sdm of milk putih.
  5. It's of Es batu.
  6. It's 1 gelas of air matang.
  7. It's of Topping :.
  8. Prepare 1 sdm of whipping cream.
  9. It's of Meses.

Milk Shake_Apel step by step

  1. Siapkan buah pisang dan apel..
  2. Potong"buah apel dan pisang,lalu masukkan ke dlm blender dan beri gula pasir,susu milk serta air,blender sebentar.lalu tuang ke dlm gelas..
  3. Beri toping whipping cream dan meses.serta irisan apel.....