Recipe: Delicious Milkshake Regal

Resep Enak, mudah, sedap danResep Aneka Minuman.
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Milkshake Regal.

Milkshake Regal You can cook Milkshake Regal using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Milkshake Regal

  1. It's 1 sachet of susu dancow.
  2. It's sesuai selera of Gula pasir.
  3. You need of Regal.
  4. Prepare of Es batu.
  5. Prepare of Air putih.

Milkshake Regal instructions

  1. Tuangkan semua bahan menjadi satu.
  2. Blander hingga es batu nya halus.
  3. Tuangka remukan regal di atasnya dan siap sajika.