Recipe: Delicious Milk Shake Regal

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Milk Shake Regal.

Milk Shake Regal You can cook Milk Shake Regal using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Milk Shake Regal

  1. Prepare 200 ml of susu UHT full cream.
  2. You need 4 keping of biskuit marie regal.
  3. You need 2-3 sdm of krimer kental manis.
  4. It's 1 sachet of / 1 sdt kopi tanpa ampas.
  5. It's 20 ml of air panas.
  6. It's of Whipp cream untuk topping.

Milk Shake Regal instructions

  1. Larutkan 1 sachet kopi dengan 20 ml air panas.
  2. Masukkan susu UHT ke dalam blender.
  3. Tambahkan biskuit marie, krimer kental manis dan larutan kopi.
  4. Blender semua bahan dan sajikan di gelas.
  5. Beri topping whipp cream dan taburan biskuit. Siap untuk disajikan..