Recipe: Appetizing Greentea vanilla milkshake by omela

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Greentea vanilla milkshake by omela. Heat milk over medium in a small pot until it comes to a rapid simmer. Green Tea Macarons with Green Tea Chocolate fillingCitra's Home Diary. Matcha Green Tea is green tea leaves that have been ground super fine.

When I hear anything has green tea in it, I I used my favorite vanilla ice cream (minus the cinnamon and peach crumble) that I. You are here: Home » Greentea » Green Tea Vanilla. Not only the smell, also the taste of the tea unfolds into delicately vanilla tones, that in turn develop into the typical tart tastes of green tea. You can cook Greentea vanilla milkshake by omela using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Greentea vanilla milkshake by omela

  1. It's 20 gram of bubuk green tea.
  2. Prepare 1 sdt of vanila essence.
  3. Prepare 40 ml of susu UHT.
  4. You need 40-60 ml of air.
  5. It's 3 sdm of Omela krimer.
  6. Prepare 2 sdm of gula pasir.

Vanilla Milkshake, a simple and quick whip up. The magical flavour and aroma of the vanilla bean makes this milkshake an all-time favourite, with kids and adults across the globe. This recipe for a vanilla malted milkshake is lower in fat than an ice-cream-parlor version, but malt powder still gives it the sought-after richness. For a certain generation, tasting a vanilla malted milkshake will bring back memories of hanging out at the soda fountain.

Greentea vanilla milkshake by omela instructions

  1. Masukkan semua bahan di atas ke dalam blender..
  2. Setelah semuanya larut, tuang ke dalam gelas.
  3. Tambahkan es batu sesuai selera.
  4. Milkshake siap disajikan.

Follow us with social. vanilla milkshake is a super quick and easy milkshake to make. Preparation: Take one tea bag per cup. Bring fresh water to a boil and let it cool briefly, then brew the tea. Beberapa rasa milk tea yang cukup populer antara lain green tea, thai tea, taro, banana dan tiramisu. Bagi Anda wirausahawan minuman jenis ini, ciptakan kelezatan yang sempurna dengan Omela Krimer Kental Manis.