Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Caramel Fresh Green Tea

Resep Enak, mudah, sedap danResep Aneka Minuman.
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Caramel Fresh Green Tea. Caramel Fresh Green Tea adalah minuman yang berpadu antara Teh Hijau, Air Lemon dan Susu kental manis. Untuk membuatnya cukup mudah dan singkat, anda hanya membutuhkan beberapa bahan dasar yang standar dan dapat mudah anda temukan disekitar anda. Fresh tasting, yet somehow rich and warming.

Caramel Fresh Green Tea Try our Salted Caramel Green Iced Tea recipe. These matcha green tea caramels get their inspiration from the Japan leg of our honeymoon. The trip unleashed the matcha fiend inside of me and when we got back, it was all matcha (and mochi and red bean) all the time. You can cook Caramel Fresh Green Tea using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Caramel Fresh Green Tea

  1. It's 8 sachet of Teh hijau Jepang.
  2. It's 50 gram of Gula putih.
  3. It's 1 sendok teh of Air jeruk lemon.
  4. You need 2 sendok makan of Susu kental manis.
  5. Prepare 1 cup of Es batu.
  6. It's 500 cc of Air.

The most common green tea caramel material is ceramic. Fresh tasting, yet somehow rich and warming. This tea is simply full of contradictions - accompanied by the most irresistibly indulgent notes of caramel. If you love this why not try.. gingerbread green tea.

Caramel Fresh Green Tea instructions

  1. Ini bahan bahan untuk membuat caramel fresh green tea.
  2. Celupkan 8 sachet teh hijau ke dalam air mendidih sisihkan.
  3. Buat caramel: panaskan wajan, masukan gulal pasir lalu diamkan sampai meleleh, tambahkan air jeruk lemon, aduk hingga rata.
  4. Tuang teh kedalam caramel, aduk rata.
  5. Taruh es batu dalam gelas lalu tuang 2 sendok makan susu kental manis.
  6. Tuang teh yang sudah dicampur caramel kedalam gelas yang berisi es, aduk rata, periksa rasa lalu sajikan.

By appointment to her majesty queen elizabeth ii tea & coffee merchants r. Started up the tea reviews again :) I hope that you enjoy this review! Remember to let me know your opinions :D Want to know how to do this makeup. Drink does not come with toppings. Concoction of Jasmine Green Tea, Fresh Lime juice and Lemons.