How to Make Appetizing Corn flakes green tea simple

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Corn flakes green tea simple. Green tea lattes are healthy and delicious drinks, perfect for the cold winter days. This vegan alternative, warms the body and the soul. So I wanted to share a green tea latte recipe that doesn't use matcha at all!

Corn flakes green tea simple Cornflakes have always been synonymous to a healthy breakfast meal. Matcha Marshmallow Corn Flakes mini marshmallows, matcha green tea powder, unsalted butter. mix gently without breaking corn flakes. finally, enjoy corn flakes chivda with hot masala tea or store in airtight container. Subscribe to our Youtube ChannelClick here to Subscribe. cornflakes chaat (cornflakes recipe). You can have Corn flakes green tea simple using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Corn flakes green tea simple

  1. It's 1 kotak of cornflakes.
  2. It's 2 batang of greentea lumer.
  3. It's secukupnya of Springklles.
  4. You need of Cup.

You can substitute corn flakes in a recipe, or for breakfast, with bran flakes or wheat flakes. From cookies to fried wedges and ice cream treats to casseroles, corn flakes can provide a crunchy texture and a sweet and salty exterior to your dish. cornflakes chivda recipe with step by step photos. this is a sweet and savory chiwda. you can alter the spices as per your liking. Immerse the fine sieve ladle in the hot oil. Fry the cornflakes, stirring with a spoon, till they expand, become golden & crisp.

Corn flakes green tea simple instructions

  1. Lelehkan greentea dg cara ditim.
  2. Setelah meleleh dengan sempurna,tuangkan kedalam wadah yg berisi cornflakes..aduk sampai benar2 rata.
  3. Tuangkan kedalam cup,sampai habis,kemudian taburkan springkles diatasnya,tunggu sampai beku.dan cornflakes greentea siap disajikan.

Most popularly consumed for breakfast, corn flakes are store bought across many households. Crispy flakes along with warm or cold milk is the first choice of breakfast for many across the world. Corn flakes are rich in both carbohydrates and iron. Cornflake Candy is another heritage recipe you may remember from your grandmother. They are a simple blend of sugar, corn syrup, peanut butter and cornflake cereal that are a Christmas classic.